About Us - AW Schumacher
Bound by tradition, we rightly see ourselves as specialists in the extensive field of casting production.
We are also happy to support you in the design of castings and to advise our clients on possibilities relating to its manufacturing and on the feasibility of the desired products.
The result: Quality, since 150 Years- a characteristic which has been connected with the A.W. Schumacher name As your expert partner in casting technology, we offer both experience and forward-thinking innovation.
In order to give you a quick overview of our services, we have summarised the key data for you.


Over 150 years' experience
The development of the company began, as the industrial development in this area generally did, with the use of the water power along the Heilenbecke. In 1873, Wilhelm Schumacher founded a hammer mill there. Using hydropower, pans, cake pans and cutlasses were produced there and exported worldwide.
Closely linked to the development of businesses in the Heilenbecke is the story of the river dam of the same name. In 1884, the owners of the hammer mills decided to build a dam so that hydropower and production could be evenly utilised.
With August Schumacher, the founder’s son, the second generation extended the existing hammer mill as well as the production program. After the First World War, however, August Schumacher returned from the war ill, and died in 1921.
From forging to casting
August Wilhelm Schumacher, of the third generation Schumachers, was not able to take over the business until 1945 – after the end of the Second World War II and his return from Russian captivity. The production was fundamentally changed and steered into the present direction. They began to produce sand and gravity die casting.
In the eighties, Wilhelm Schumacher handed the management over to the family’s fourth generation, consisting of Joachim Schumacher, Ulrike Stübner and Bettina Beckenbauer. Since then the company has been producing pressure-tight sand and gravity die castings. The ready-to-install products find their use in almost all industrial sectors.
Hydropower, forges and forging hammers have helped A.W. Schumacher develop into a modern enterprise with induction furnaces, CNC machines and the latest ISO-certified moulding technology.

Expansion through cooperation

(from the left)
Bettina Beckbauer, Constantin Beckbauer,
Anna Luisa Schumacher
Since there are few opportunities to expand production capacity in the Heilenbeckertal, the Schumacher trading company was founded in 1990, which through partnerships and investments at home and abroad creates the potential to expand the range of products so that all market opportunities can be exploited.
The entire process and project responsibility is controlled out of Ennepetal in order to offer customers an ever wider range of products at competitive prices and at the same time to secure jobs in Ennepetal in the long term. Anna Luisa Schumacher (who has worked for the company since 2009) and Constantin Beckenbauer (since 2013) are the family’s fifth generation in the company.
In order to create more efficient corporate structures and optimize internal processes, the shareholders have decided to create a uniform service portfolio. For this reason, Schumacher Handelsgesellschaft mbH was merged with A.W. Schumacher GmbH to form one company with effect from January 1, 2017. From this point onwards, there is only A.W.Schumacher GmbH, under whose management the in-house production and merchandise together expand the product range.
It is our goal to continue to grow with the requirements of customers and not to see casting-technical problems as a burden but as a challenge in the field of technical expertise and innovation. This should be the motto of the company in the future. Our customers include leading pump manufacturers, renowned commercial vehicle manufacturers as well as well-known machine builders, etc.
We take our social responsibility seriously and for this reason we have supported numerous projects of social and charitable institutions both near and far. Especially close to our hearts is our commitment to children and young people as well as our environment.
As a family business rich in tradition we naturally feel connected to the region, so a large proportion of our funding goes to local projects.
Among other things, we are committed to...
The CHAIN Foundation is a “non-governmental organisation” (NGO) and is politically and financially independent. The work of the CHAIN Foundation is based on Christian values and builds on the vision of enabling former street children, orphans, children with disabilities, outcasts and other needy children to have a sheltered life and a good childhood. In addition, each child should receive appropriate monitoring and training so that he or she can later lead an independent life as an adult. The CHAIN Foundation is particularly concerned with helping people to help themselves.
With life expectancy increasing, the risk of developing dementia is growing. The statistics say that by the age of 60, one in three men and one in two women will suffer from dementia. The number of dementia disorders will double by the year 2030. Considering these alarming facts, and to move the subject of dementia more into the public’s focus, the Dementia Initiative Group in the Ennepe-Ruhr district, composed of renowned ambassadors from politics, business, media and sport, founded the AVU-OldStarCup in the summer of 2011.
A major goal of the museum is, as a place of participation, to bring technology to life – especially in the area of casting and forging, but also the mining history of the region and the machining production processes.
We support the Industrial Museum through our membership and through donations in the form of castings.
We use CO²-neutral green electricity and as such invest in the construction of new plants for the production of environmentally-friendly electricity.
We work closely with the AWO workshops They offer lesser abled people an opportunity to exercise their right to work and at the same time to develop themselves and make use of vocational training services.
The German Child Protection Agency, the Kinderschutzband Bundesverband e.V., is committed to the protection of children from violence and child poverty, and to the implementation of children’s rights in Germany. We want a child-friendly society in which the spiritual, mental, social and physical development of children and young people is encouraged.
The Wuppertal Tafel ensures that no one goes hungry in Wuppertal. To this end, the organisation collects food and passes it on to the needy. We commit to this cause via donations and advertising on the board’s vehicles.
Corporate Policy

Our actions are characterised by a partner relationship and cooperation with our customers. Our goal is to produce castings and services that meet the quality requirements of our customers.
Principles of our corporate policy are:
- To meet customer needs
- To have satisfied customers as our partners
- Continuous improvement
- Responsible and motivated employees
- Careful use of resources and the environment
- Responsible behaviour
- Compliance with laws, rules and regulations
Compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations guides our actions.
We take responsibility for the environment. This is especially true for us – as a business in a nature conservation area. Therefore, the long-term protection of natural resources and health as well as the safety and quality of our products form part of our business principles. Our production and business processes are focussed on the conservation of natural resources.
Reach und Reverse Charge
With regard to the widely discussed topic in the metal industry “Reach and Reverse Charge”, we have been thoroughly tested by external certified professionals and can confirm that neither our product range nor our production processes are affected. Should the legislation change, we will adapt our processes accordingly and inform our customers immediately.

The A.W. Schumacher company football team
This year, the AVU Old-Star-Cup was concluded with a Sponsors’ Cup for the first time.
Twelve teams from the pool of sponsors competed against each other and played for the first AVU OldStarCup Sponsors’ Cup – including our own company team.

Our Werkself

A.W. Schumacher: A family-run and home-oriented company in Ennepetal. The fox is the town’s symbolic animal. A more than 1.2m-high version of the symbol, hand-cast by A.W. Schumacher, can be seen on the market square of the city.